Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Beginning

So new beginning

New Beginning

Sometimes when life feels like you cant go on, you just have to. Because life doesnt stop just because your giving up.
People in life still care about you and sometimes even when you think you have nothing left, patience is the key, self pitty isnt going to get rid of the hurt you are feeling and neither is a negative attitude. None of it helps, its just something to dwell on instead of looking to the future for a positive outcome you consantly look at the past and think of the negative.
So many people make that mistake.
You can be made the victim by the ones that have hurt you only if you let them.
No point on looking back and the past and wanting it back because it cant. its unrealistic and very impossible.

Look to the future with good thoughts and only good thoughts.
never do anything stupid or demeaning because it never ever has the effect you want it to, its always bad.

Talk to friends and Family and who ever you can let it off your chest and move on!!!
There is always someone else out there for you

love Amy xx

1 comment:

  1. That is a good post Amy - and so true too. I love your positive outlook!

