Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Early Morning

So i have nw officially completed my first week and what a week it was.
It was wonderful the children are great to look after and hey are no problem at all.
The only problem i have at the moment is the flu!!!!! AHhhhhHHHHHHH
So i have dosed myself up on cold and flu tablets and multi-vitamins lol
The good ones garlic horseradish and vitamin c. YAY

But hopefully it doesnt get much worse as it already is- i have a really sore throat runny nose headaches hot and cold temps and everything disgusting lol.

But thats what u get when u work around kids. Oh well now hopefully this will build my immune system up HAHA.

Anyway the weekend was good movie nights with the kids and singstar was awesome.
Got my hair cut yesterday it looks so good and i got it lightened looks like me. LOL why wouldnt it!!!

Anyway better go i have to wake the kids up for school.

Bye bye

Amy xx

PS please see if other ppl would like to join my blog

Thursday, May 21, 2009

First few days

So the first few days have been really good!!!

The kids are great and not too much to handle lol.
Actually the two girls are reading this at the moment lol.

they like me so thats a good start. And surprisingly its not so hard as i thought it was going to be,
And it feels nothing like a job lol.

Anyway write again tomorrow.

Amy xx

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Job


So i am now at the new house with my new job.
Its a tad bit scary lol.
Im so nervous tommoroow is my first day.
The kids are great and seems like they will be aqlot of fun.

And i think that me and joel need the space at the moment and its the best for us a the moment.

Anyway ill write again later and continue this fantastic blog.

Amy xx

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Beginning

So new beginning

New Beginning

Sometimes when life feels like you cant go on, you just have to. Because life doesnt stop just because your giving up.
People in life still care about you and sometimes even when you think you have nothing left, patience is the key, self pitty isnt going to get rid of the hurt you are feeling and neither is a negative attitude. None of it helps, its just something to dwell on instead of looking to the future for a positive outcome you consantly look at the past and think of the negative.
So many people make that mistake.
You can be made the victim by the ones that have hurt you only if you let them.
No point on looking back and the past and wanting it back because it cant. its unrealistic and very impossible.

Look to the future with good thoughts and only good thoughts.
never do anything stupid or demeaning because it never ever has the effect you want it to, its always bad.

Talk to friends and Family and who ever you can let it off your chest and move on!!!
There is always someone else out there for you

love Amy xx